Tips for those who love using iPhones and want to keep their phone safe and long-lasting. Reducing screen brightness or switching to black and white will help you save battery life, reduce eye strain, or minimize distractions.

In this article, I will show you three ways to do it: using grayscale mode, a color filter or a zoom filter.

1. Grayscale mode:

This is the simple way to make your iPhone black and white. You just need to go to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters and turn on the Color Filters switch.


Then, select Grayscale as the filter option.


2. Color filters:

This is a more customizable way to make your iPhone black and white. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters and turn on the Color Filters switch. This step is similar to Grayscale mode.

Then, you can choose from different color filters, such as Invert Colors and Color Tint. Adjust the intensity and color of the filter to suit your preferences.



3. Zoom filters:

A more advanced way to make your iPhone black and white. You can go to Settings > Accessibility > Zoom and turn on the Zoom switch.


Then, you can tap on Zoom Filter and select Grayscale.


The advantages of making a black and white iPhone will help protect your eyes, reduce stress, and also save battery life for your phone.
This is one of the smart ways to use an iPhone that few people know. Hopefully, this article will be useful to you and help everyone understand the great benefits of leaving the screen in black and white.

Suggestions for you if you want to learn more about white screens are in the article: What Is White Screen Test?

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